We want you to enjoy the finest and cleanest beef and lamb on the planet. We work directly with best in class Regenerative Organic, Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished Australian beef and sheep farms, with a proven track record over decades of producing premium quality beef and lamb.
Only TruBeef Organic is USDA Certified 100% Organic, Non-GMO, 100% Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished, 100% Pasture-Raised, Carbon Neutral, Halal. 100% Natural, Ethical, Sustainable, Unaged Beef and Lamb. Third-party verifications and certifications for food labels guarantee unbiased, rigorous, and transparent claims.

Yes, our farms have been practicing regenerative farming techniques for generations.
Regenerative principles practiced but not limited to are holistic and planned grazing, building soil organic matter, building carbon retention, enhancing the farm ecosystem, and improving soil water retention without any chemical inputs whatsoever.
We strongly believe meaningful regenerative farming practices must also include organic farming methods i.e., zero chemicals and no GMOs to be considered effective and have a significant impact on soil health, water table, and ecology.
Our Regenerative Organic farming doesn’t just protect and preserve land and resources, it leaves these in a far stronger condition than ever before.
Our Regenerative Organic farms also put in place meaningful measures to secure the health, safe working conditions, fair pay, and wellbeing of all farm workers.
No, Regenerative without being Organic is not enough.
Organic soil matter cannot be built by continuing to treat the land with inorganic (synthetic) chemicals.
Regenerative practices are a set of farming principles that enrich organic soil matter, rehabilitate ecosystems, and build water conservation water. None of these can be achieved if synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides are used. These chemicals cause multi-generation damage to the soil, water table, and eco-system.
Regenerative farming without following organic farming methods as its foundation are ineffective.
This means our livestock eat nothing but wild native grasses from birth to harvest, on pastures that are Certified Organic. This means zero chemical inputs.
To be Certified Organic, the grass must be non-GMO and never be sprayed with any chemicals or use of synesthetic fertilizers. No chemical dips can be used on the farm animals.
A product CANNOT be labelled as organic if it's NOT in compliance with the USDA’s standards. Our USDA Organic Certification gives you the all-important assurance and transparency that our farms and our products have been tested and verified by independent third parties as 100% Organic.
Organic Grass-Fed is the benchmark for untainted Grass-Fed farming and the foundation for Clean, Regenerative Farm Practices.
No, they not the same thing.
Not all livestock are created equal!
• To be Certified as Organic, farm animals can simply be confined and fed organic grains / organic feeds — we do not agree with this.
• Similarly, beef and lamb labelled only as "Grass-Fed" does NOT guarantee a full 100% Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished diet — we do not agree with this.
• “Grass-Fed” also allows the use of pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, and artificial fertilizer — we do not agree with this.
We consider the use of organic grains / feeds, confinement, and partial grass / grain diets outlined above as highly misleading to consumers.
We feel it is vital to honor our customers with only the very best, the cleanest, and the most natural livestock practices on the planet.
1.) All our livestock are unconfined and free roaming outdoors on organic pastures. This is verified by the Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) inspection.
2.) Certified USDA 100% Organic to assure our customers NO chemicals and NO GMOs are ever used. This is verified by The National Organic Program (NOP) inspection.
3.) Authentic 100% Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished, and Pasture-Raised as nature intended. This is verified by the Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) inspection.
Our customers can have complete confidence in all our farms and products.
TruBeef is Always Certified Organic. Always Verified Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished and Pasture-Raised.
To take back control of our health and allow our bodies to clean out from the decades of toxic exposure associated with mass-produced food.
Autoimmune Diseases, Severe Allergies, ADHD, and Autism have never been so widespread in our current population.
A recent study by The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed the presence of the weedkiller, Glyphosate in the urine of more than 80 percent of the 2,300 people tested including children as young as 6. Children here in the U.S. are regularly exposed to this cancer-causing weed killer through the food they eat, virtually every day.
At TruBeef Organic, we are part of a Regenerative Organic movement where NO chemical harm is done to the soil, animals, or our customers. It is simply too important to do it any other way. Since the advent of industrial-scale food production here in the US, which on one hand led to plentiful and cheap produce / grains / meat for all, but on the other hand has meant a huge trade-off and complete reliance on heavy chemicals, GMOs, added hormones, and antibiotics.
The result has meant our bodies have been under attack from hormone disruptors and heavy chemical toxic load for decades. We as a nation, have never had so much cheap food, yet never been so unhealthy.
In its most simple terms, TruBeef chooses to be part of a solution and not part of the problem.
All our meat is strictly unaged.
At TruBeef Organic, we use quick harvesting and processing times and then quickly blast cell freeze our meats to avoid any histamine, mold, or pathogen development. We do not age our meats (dry age or wet age).
More than 80% of our customers are dealing with some form of severe allergy, histamine intolerance, or autoimmune disease so we owe it to our customers to ensure they can enjoy our meats with total confidence and avoid reactions or flare-ups.
All our meat packaging is strictly BPA-free, PFAS-free, and Phthalates-free.
Our meat packaging vendor does not produce any BPA or PFAS-containing packaging whatsoever, so there is no risk of any cross-contamination.
We do not use nitrate film to enhance the meat color of our beef and lamb.
At TruBeef Organic, we are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure we do not add to the toxic load on our customer’s bodies.
None of the following is found in our meat cuts or facility:
• Peanut or its derivatives
• Tree Nuts
• Dairy or its derivatives
• Eggs or their derivatives
• Fish or its derivatives
• Shellfish or its derivatives
• Soy or its derivatives
• Wheat or any other grains.
All our Organic Grass-Fed Beef and Lamb live on a 100% organic, naturally occurring wild grass diet every day of their lives. Nothing else. All native grasses are wild and not cultivated from seed.
We use NO gases whatsoever including Carbon Monoxide or CO2 to extend shelf life or give an artificially bright meat color.
Unknown to most US consumers, Carbon Monoxide and CO2 gases are used extensively by meat retailers to extend shelf life and brighten meat color.
We proudly sell our Regenerative Organic Grass-Fed meats in their natural form and color.
Absolutely NO solutions are used during the harvesting or packing of our beef or lamb including all organ meats.
Just like the use of gases or nitrate films, these practices go against everything we believe and stand for.
We sell all our meats including organ meats, bones, and fats in their natural form, color, and scent just as nature and God intended.
This is why our beef and lamb, when raw, looks and smells so radically different from everything else out there — we use literally nothing on our beef and lamb.
Our Animal Welfare Certification from the Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) Step 4 prohibits the use of added hormones and antibiotics.
TruBeef Organic is USDA Certified 100% Organic, meaning our animals are raised without any antibiotics and no added hormones.
NOTE: “Hormone free” or "No hormones" are the common terms but is technically incorrect. No added hormones is the correct term because ALL animals and humans produce hormones naturally. "No added hormones", "Raised without added hormones”, “No hormones administered”, or “No synthetic hormones” all mean that the animal received No synthetic hormones / No artificial hormones.
No added hormones and No antibiotics are ever used on our farms. Ever!
At TruBeef Organic, we are consumer advocates and pro-transparency when it comes to every aspect of the Livestock and Dairy Industry.
We want to see consumers get what they pay for. Unfortunately, due to poor label laws, almost any producer can in fact label their beef "Grass-Fed" or "Grass-Fed and Finished" and NOT have to offer a shred of evidence that this is in fact true.
Not surprisingly, the result of this is widescale food fraud with massive amounts of cheap grain-fed beef being passed off as Grass-Fed to unsuspecting consumers.
Here are 3 Simple Things to Look Out for to ensure the 100% Grass-Fed & Finished beef you buy is authentic:
1.) Color of the meat should be a very deep dark red, almost like a red wine color, and sometimes darker. This is in marked contrast to the bright red color which is so prevalent in the US and what most folks have been accustomed to .
2.) Yellow Fat Color which is due to Beta Carotene in the grass the cattle feed on.
3.) Look for a recognized body that has inspected the operation and verified the operation as Pasture Raised and/or Grass-Fed. You will see the logo of these organizations on the meat label such as AGW, AGA or GAP. This gives consumers peace of mind, their purchase was inspected at the farm level as a genuine Pasture-based, Grass-Feeding operation.
If buying Grass-Fed meat or dairy is important to you, please check out our popular guide: How to Tell Real Grass-Fed Beef and Butter from Fake, to gain a much better understanding of what to look out for when buying, we also give you the questions you need to ask any producer or seller be they a Farmers' Market, Supermarket / Grocery, Local Farm, Butcher, or Online.
If you never buy meat products from TruBeef Organic but do learn to distinguish between genuine Grass-Fed producers and those who mislead, we have done our job!
Authentic Organic Grass-Fed Steaks and Lamb Chops like TruBeef Organic are naturally leaner compared to conventionally raised beef or lamb. This means you must adjust your normal cooking time by about 30% to preserve juiciness and moisture.
All Grass-Fed ruminant meat is best served from medium-rare to medium.
Leaner fat content and a dark color when raw are the hallmarks of Authentic, 100% Grass-Fed Beef and Lamb.
Our ruminant beef and lamb are from animals that are free roaming (from birth to harvest) and are well exercised on wide-open Organic pastures. Just think of them as athletes in peak physical condition. This wild grass diet and constant daily exercise out in the open means their muscles, organs, and cardiovascular systems are robust, strong, clean, healthy, and lean.
When it is time to harvest, the muscle cuts where we get steaks and chops from our cattle and lamb are clean (from a wild organic grass diet) and lean (from daily exercise). This means our Steaks and Chops will cook about 30% QUICKER than you may be used to.
We always advise new customers to be aware of this and adjust to the quicker cooking time to ensure the very best eating experience.
With any genuine 100% Grass-Fed and Finished steaks and lamb chops, the difference between a perfectly juicy steak / chop and an overdone steak / chop can be less than one (1) minute of extra cooking time.
TruBeef Organic Steaks, Beef Liver, Short Ribs (Flanken Cut / Korean Style Short Ribs), and Lamb Chops are best served medium-rare to medium at most, with just salt to enjoy the incredible Grass-Fed flavor profile.
We encourage all customers to invest in a meat thermometer to measure internal doneness and get 100% consistent juicy results every time.
Steaks and Lamb Chops Medium-Rare Doneness Target Temp: 128 °F then rest for 5 minutes.
Steaks and Lamb Chops Medium Doneness Target Temp: 135 °F then rest for 5 minutes.
For a deeper dive into how to cook Grass-Fed Steaks and the science behind why you need to adjust your cooking, please check out our article How to Cook Grass-Fed Steaks The Right Way.
Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible if a steak or lamb chop is overcooked. Just like any genuine Grass-Fed and Finished ruminant meat, it will become dry and chewy if overcooked.
All beef that has been fed a genuine 100% Organic grass diet will have a very dark color.
This dark color is especially obvious in "muscle cuts" like steaks or roasts.
The dark color is a result of two key factors 1.) Beta Carotene from wild grass and 2.) The high amount of nutrients and minerals only found in wild Organic native grasses.
This may be the first time you purchase genuine 100% Organic and 100% Grass-Fed beef, so you may be struck by this much darker color compared to what you have purchased before. Rest assured, there is nothing wrong, and know you are about to enjoy a completely natural product.
Most US consumers are used to seeing beef as a vibrant, very bright red color. This is not the natural color of beef and is down to two factors 1.) A grain and supplement-based diet for the cattle and 2.) CO2 or Carbon Monoxide is used at the time of packaging to create "shelf appeal" with all cuts "color matched".
We owe it to all our customers to pack and ship all our Organic Grass-fed beef in its natural color just as it was harvested.
We NEVER use grains, supplements, or gas to create this perfect (but unnatural), bright red color.
100% Organic, 100% Grass-Fed and Finished beef like ours, is an extremely clean, delicate beef, and is also naturally leaner.
This means, the steak will cook a lot quicker than you may be used to and is always best cooked to a doneness from rare to medium at most.
Please check out our comprehensive guide How to Cook Grass-Fed Steaks The Right Way for all the tips you will need to cook a perfectly juicy grass-fed organic steak.
Yes. Our Beef and Lamb Halal Certification is backed under law and audited by the Australian Government Authorized Halal Program (AGAHP), that our meat is produced and slaughtered with the highest integrity and reverence to Halal standards for raising and slaughtering Halal beef and lamb.
Our Halal Beef is certified by Al-Iman Islamic Society (AIS).
Our Halal Lamb is certified by the Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia Inc. (SICHMA).
Industrial Beef production has a poor reputation for its environmental impact.
In a study conducted by Dr. Fiona Carswell,
Landcare Research Team: Regenerative Organic Livestock farming on mixed woody vegetation has shown to offset between 63% and 118% of all on-farm emissions through carbon sequestering.
However, we take things a step further. Being
100% Carbon-Neutral means, we are audited, and we take full accountability for everything we do by compensating for the carbon emissions in ALL parts of our business beyond our farms ~ including transport, packaging, refrigeration,
dry ice, and delivery to your door.
No other meat company in North America takes
this level of climate action or responsibility for
its carbon footprint!
All our Organic Grass-Fed ruminant farm animals are raised in an untainted environment. We hold ourselves to the very highest standards right across the board and our customers can smell and taste the difference in our beef and lamb.
TruBeef Organic is also:
• Regenerative
• Certified 100% Organic
• Non-GMO
• Verified 100% Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished
• 100% Pasture-Raised
• Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) Animal Welfare Certified
• Carbon-Neutral
• Halal
• Non-aged / Unaged / Low Histamine
• Higher in Beta-carotene
• Higher in total Omega-3s
• Healthier ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids (1.65 vs 4.84)
• Higher in CLA (cis-9 trans-11), a potential cancer fighter
• Higher in Vaccenic acid (which can be transformed into CLA)
• Higher in Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
• Higher in the B-vitamins Thiamin and Riboflavin
• Higher in the minerals Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium
All this leads to a level of flavor and tenderness not seen in beef or lamb in generations.
Learn More: S.K. Duckett et al, Journal of Animal Science
Sources: Joint research study between Clemson University, SC, and the USDA
It may not be Grass-Fed at all. In 2016, the USDA dropped all regulations and definitions for the term “Grass-Fed”.
Since 2016, it's wide open for any beef (or lamb) producer to market their beef to consumers as “Grass-Fed” without any proof, inspection, or verification that this is indeed true. At TruBeef, we believe this is wrong and highly misleading to consumers.
Per the American Grassfed Association (AGA), a very large portion [anywhere from 40% to 70%] of beef marketed to consumers as Grass-Fed is Feedlot beef, Grain-Fed, or Partial Grain / Supplement-Fed beef.
The grains [GMO grains or not] that feedlot cattle are fed is NOT natural for their ruminant digestive system. Cattle are ruminant animals — meaning they are wild grazers, they naturally wander in wide-open spaces, and graze in herds. When confined, they live a stressed and highly unnatural life and are unable to adapt.
Hormones are administered to promote growth, which means less feed is needed for the cattle to gain weight. Antibiotics are given to combat bovine respiratory disease caused by overcrowding and liver abscesses caused by the unnatural diet of grains and supplements. These drugs are included in the feeds, even when no animals are sick.
According to a report from Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), “one of the gravest threats” to human health is the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in cattle and other livestock - this is a key contributor to the growing crisis of human antibiotic resistance.
To put this antibiotic overuse into perspective, feedlot cattle producers purchased 42% of all medically important antibiotics sold in the US.
For cattle to thrive naturally as ruminants and play their key role in the carbon life cycle, land regeneration, and to ensure a safe and sustainable food supply, all cattle [beef and dairy] must be allowed to move freely and eat
from clean, untainted, and Organic pastures without any chemical inputs whatsoever.
5 Key Good Reasons:
1.) Organic. Australia has more Certified Organic farmland than anywhere else in the world, it has more than 52% of the world's total Certified Organic farmland. Untainted soil is the foundation for everything we do.
2.) Grass. Australia has lots of it! Australia has built its entire livestock reputation on rearing animals on grass and not feedlots. 97% of Australian Beef production is entirely Pasture-based.
Here in the US, ONLY 4% of total beef production comes from pasture-based / grass-fed cattle which we sincerely hope will change over time
3.) Climate. Australia has a year-round climate that is conducive to running freely roaming sheep and cattle outdoors all year round on natural, nutrient-rich, wild organic pastures which are never treated with chemicals or genetically modified (Non-GMO) feeds or commercial grass seeds.
4.) Traceability and Integrity. Australia has the strictest and most sophisticated livestock tracking system in the world. We can trace a batch of steaks back to the individual farm and the specific animal it came from.
Under the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) Program, every single animal is identified, and its movements are tracked from birth to harvest. This level of biosecurity, food traceability, and food safety standards are unmatched anywhere in the world.
5.) Family. TruBeef Organic is a small family-owned business here in the US. We work with a small group of family-owned Organic livestock farms. Everything is a single source and from the same farms every time. No corporate meat giants or cheap commodity / feedlot wholesale meat.
Just family-owned farms that take pride in their rearing methods and backed up by independent third-party inspections / verifications so you can buy with confidence.
Taste and tenderness is a precise science. All our Australian Beef and lamb is of the highest quality, raised on organic pastures and fed nothing but 100% wild grass. TruBeef Organic is an online butcher with the highest possible global standards. To ensure all our Organic, Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished beef and lamb is melt-in-the-mouth juicy, full-flavored and tender, we adhere to strict grading standards.
To guarantee a great eating experience, all our premium beef and lamb is hand selected and rigorously graded at its origin based on the following factors:
• Meat color
• Marbling
• Fat distribution
• Cattle breed / Lamb breed
• pH
• Cattle maturity / Lamb maturity
TruBeef Organic is committed to deliver the best-tasting, best quality, safest, and cleanest beef and lamb in the world! Deliveries are shipped in fully recyclable and eco-friendly insulated boxes with dry ice.
Taken from the world of fine wine, terroir is proven concept that the flavor and body of a food e.g. wine, beef, lamb, or produce is reflected by the inter-play of the unique characteristics of where that food was grown or raised.
The soil, climate, sub soils, soil ph, natural irrigation, and biodiversity all leave their subtle fingerprints on the final flavor and character of a wholefood. Terroir is unique and varies from region to region and farm to farm.
At TruBeef Organic, we believe terroir really matters. Our farms in Queensland are some of the most fertile and untainted you will find anywhere in the world, and this is reflected in the final product.
First time customers often react in surprise when they receive their first TruBeef Organic order because our Beef and Lamb even in its raw form, has a unique deep ruby red color, fresh clean scent, and soft tender texture. This is terroir in action.
We believe terroir really matters in food.
Aside from the remarkable flavor and tenderness of our Beef and Lamb, it’s our transparency and adherence to meaningful and globally recognized standards.
We believe all our customers have the right to know what’s in the beef and lamb ordered from us, and truly know how it was really raised. That's why we use objective independent third-party organizations to inspect and verify every aspect of our operation. No marketing or greenwashing, just honesty, transparency, and high quality standards.
• Our claim of 100% Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished, and Pasture-Raised is verified and inspected by the Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.).
• Our claim of Certified 100% Organic is verified and inspected by the USDA National Organic Program and California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF).
• Our claim of No-GMOs is verified and inspected by California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF). Organic is non-GMO and more. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not allowed in Organic farming.
• Our claim of holding high and meaningful Animal Welfare Standards is verified and inspected by the Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.).
• We are proud to say our products are recognized by the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animal (ASPCA) Shop With Your Heart Program.
• Our claim of being Halal are backed up, verified, and inspected by the Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia Inc. (SICHMA) and Al-Iman Islamic Society (AIS).
• Our Beef and Lamb are proudly Australian. We do NOT hide this behind the current labeling loopholes that allow imported meat to be labeled as "Product of USA". "Product of the USA" labeling claim can be used to meat products imported from a foreign country but slaughtered in the US and/or processed in the US.
• Our claim of being Carbon Neutral is audited by the Carbon Reduction Institute (NoCO2) to calculate our farm and non-farm operations including transport, packaging, refrigeration, dry ice (CO2 gas).
*Regenerative Organic Practices ~ Our Organic livestock family farms have practiced Regenerative Organic practices for generations. These practices, long forgotten in the US due to industrial farming, are seeing a welcome resurgence so we are actively working on a solution to have our Regenerative Organic Farming practices formally
certified by an independent third-party in this area of agricultural science.
We are in the business of selling vibrant health. We champion organ meats, bones, and fats to our customers for the bio-available nutrient-dense powerhouse foods that they are.
It is our job to offer our customers the cleanest and most nutrient-dense beef and lamb options and this would not be complete without including organ meats in our offering.
A huge portion of our customers are in the process of recovering from or have recovered from autoimmune diseases, severe allergies, histamine issues, and more. These customers need the highest form of nutrition available without compromise, and our Certified 100% Organic Grass-Fed organ meats fulfill this need.
We were brought up in a traditional nose-to-tail meat-eating environment where nothing was ever wasted, and the nutritional benefits of organ meats meant they were always on our dinner table. Decades later, we are spreading this message to new customers every day.
Because we don’t buy on the open wholesale meat market where there is an endless supply of conventionally raised cheap beef and lamb to tap into.
We are purposely limited to harvesting what our family farms produce. This means that when some items are sold out, it will take us a little more time to restock.
Rightly or wrongly, we live in a world where retail giants like Amazon and Walmart have created an expectation for consumers that goods and services including food are always available and delivered within a day, if not within hours.
Just by virtue of how we produce our beef and lamb which ticks to the clock of mother nature and the small number of family farms we work with when an item is sold out it will take us some time to replenish, as animals need to be harvested when they are ready.
We do recognize this as a genuine downside of “Slow Food”, but we also hope this adds assurance to our customers that we do as we say and not tap into the wholesale commodity markets where most beef is bought and sold by the ton.
Rather than accept orders and compromise our values, we do not hesitate to mark certain items as sold out and wait until these items are ready to sell again.
We sincerely hope you understand as we have our customers’ best interests at heart.
No. The marketing claims, "Beyond Organic", "Better than Organic", "More than Organic" are all highly misleading and have NO legal or regulated definition, nor any on-farm third-party verification and inspection.
These false marketing claims are created to deceive consumers.
Many unfounded marketing claims try to add value to products, however, consumers can be assured that USDA Certified Organic products are rigorously inspected and verified 100% Organic at all steps, from their beginnings on the farm, all the way to your dinner table. The USDA establishes extremely thorough guidelines and principles, and protects the integrity and chain of custody of meat bearing the USDA Organic seal. This assures consumers that USDA Certified Organic products meet consistent quality and standards.
A product cannot be marketed and/or labelled as 'Organic' if it is not in compliance with USDA Organic standards. USDA Certified 100% Organic guarantees: No glyphosate, No herbicide, No pesticides, No chemical fertilizers, No antibiotics, No artificial hormones, No GMOs. No antibiotics, No growth hormones, No additives, No animal by-products. Our independent third-party verifications and certifications guarantee unbiased, rigorous, and transparent product claims for our beef and Dorper lamb.
All our farm animals remain and graze on Certified Organic Wild Grass Pastures from birth to harvest. No organic grains, No organic feeds, No feedlots. Ever!
Bottom line, if a meat product does not have the official USDA Certified Organic logo, it is not Organic, Beyond Organic, Better than Organic, More than Organic.
TruBeef is Always Certified 100% Organic. Always 100% Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished, and Pasture-Raised!

Certainly! TruBeef Organic is an online butcher that gives you complete freedom.
When you order lamb, beef, and steaks online, as well as offal meat, you order what you like and when you like it.
Fill your cart to a value over $239+ and Ground delivery is Free*.
For the deepest discounts, please check our SIDE OF BEEF / HALF COW / QUARTER COW / BULK BEEF.
If you would like a Bespoke Bulk order, email us at hello@truorganicbeef.com or call us on (619)-333-8942.
Yes. Please check out our Curated Boxes.
Each box is put together for customers with different dietary goals and lifestyles in mind. Keto diet, Paleo diet, Gluten-free diet, Zero Carb diet, Carnivore diet, AIP diet, or Conventional diet ~ we have you covered! Each box contains nothing but our Premium Australian beef and lamb. Certified 100% Organic, Non-GMO, 100% Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished, Pasture-Raised, Halal Certified Beef and Lamb.
There's no swapping or replacement of cheaper cuts in each curated box. There are no surprises when you open your TruBeef Organic subscription delivery box!
We are as honest about our pricing as we are about our beef and lamb. We are purveyors of the finest Australian beef and lamb. USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO, 100% Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished, Pasture-Raised, Halal Certified beef and Dorper breed lamb. Currently, beef and lamb are all we sell from our family farms that we know and trust. Some competitors sell by the box and entice you to buy much cheaper Chicken, Pork, and Fish but still charge their customers premium beef prices.
When you receive your lamb, beef, and steak online delivery from TruBeef Organic, there are no surprises in your box! At TruBeef Organic, you get what you pay for.
We do not sell anything that is not raised on our farms.
Many of our online competitors also sell fish and seafood that is simply sourced as a commodity on the open wholesale markets, then re-packaged / re-marketed as being Caught From Sustainable Fishers etc.
We don’t believe this practice adds any value to our customers or to their health, so we pass on adding seafood to our offering.
As the saying goes “Never buy fish from a farmer and never buy steak from a fisherman”.
The TruBeef Organic 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is defined as follows: We guarantee that all our Beef and Lamb is Certified 100% Organic, Non-GMO, 100% Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished, Pasture-Raised, and Certified Carbon Neutral all the time.
We guarantee that every order is packed and shipped with the utmost care. We guarantee that every Lamb and Beef order is blast cell frozen to minus 70 °F over three (3) days. We guarantee that all our products will arrive at your door frozen, partially frozen, or cold to the touch / refrigerator cold (below 40 °F as measured with a food thermometer), as defined by the USDA mail-order food safety.
YOU'RE IN CONTROL. At TruBeef Organic, there's no contract, no complicated ordering, no unclear pricing.
1.) Choose from any of our CURATED BOXES or BUILD YOUR OWN BOX from our delicious cuts of Steak, Ground Beef, Burgers, & Roasts, Bones, Offal, Suet, & Fats, and Lamb
2.) Select: Quantity
3.) Click: Add to Cart
5.) Then, proceed to Check Out
It is important that customers must add our order email address hello@truorganicbeef.com to their contact lists as multiple reminder emails will be sent, which contain important updates including order confirmation, shipping address, delivery and shipping updates. Failure to save our order email address may result in these important email updates going to your spam / junk folder. A signature is not required for delivery.
Here is the link to Shop Pay Installments FAQs

We ship everywhere in the lower 48 states* using UPS and FedEx.
All orders are shipped frozen in an insulated box with plenty of dry ice.
Shipping transit time is usually 1 to 3 business days.
We do not ship to Alaska and Hawaii.
• We ship Mondays and Tuesdays, excluding federal holidays and some major holiday weeks.
• Order cut-off is Sundays at 11.59 pm PT to ship on Monday or Tuesday.
• Orders placed on Mondays — we will endeavor to ship your order the next day, Tuesday, however this is not guaranteed.
• Place your order by Sunday (before midnight PT) to get it sent out the next day, Monday or Tuesday at the latest.
Shipping transit time is usually 1 to 3 business days.
Please find the link here to our full Shipping Policy (Orders, Shipping, Refunds).
No. Your order is packed, shipped, and delivered from right here in the United States.
All our Beef and Lamb is proudly raised and harvested at our Regenerative Organic livestock farms in Queensland, Australia. Australia has more Organic land than anywhere else in the world, it has more than 52% of the world's total Certified Organic farmland, with the best year-round climate that is conducive to running cattle and sheep on natural Organic pastures, outdoors all year round.
No. All our Beef and Lamb is harvested in Queensland, Australia. No live animals are transported to the United States. Shipping live animals is inherently stressful, harmful and cruel to the animals in our opinion. This is not something we, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and our animal welfare certification body, Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) agrees with or permits.
This will depend on where the delivery address is located. Your order will be shipping from either North Carolina or California. When you place your order, our shipping software will automatically determine from which location we will pack and ship your order.
All our premium unaged meats are blast cell frozen ensuring peak freshness and a full-flavored eating experience. Deliveries are shipped in fully recyclable and eco-friendly insulated boxes with dry ice. We pack our insulated box with enough dry ice to keep your premium meat products frozen while it's being shipped.
Our premium meat products leave our butchery and our premises in their sealed packaging. All meat packages are inspected and confirmed sealed before packing in an insulated box with dry ice and sealed for shipping.
Your order should arrive frozen, partially frozen, or cold to the touch / refrigerator cold (below 40 °F as measured with a food thermometer). It is possible that a portion of your order may arrive partially frozen or cold to the touch (cold as if it were in a refrigerator) ~ which is perfectly safe for re-freezing or cooking, and in line with USDA Food Safety Guidelines. Thawed meat once cold to the touch is in no way defective or harmful.
Orders must be unpacked and stored in your freezer upon arrival. The best place to store your premium meat is in the freezer. Freezing your premium meat means the quality is never compromised and you are wasting less. To thaw completely, place your premium meat in the refrigerator. Meat has natural juices, a natural substance called myoglobin, therefore, always put your TruBeef Organic meat in a bowl / dish when thawing in the refrigerator. All TruBeef Organic products must be fully and safely thawed in your refrigerator before cooking.
NOTE: Dry ice evaporates in transit. For safety reasons, we time our dry ice to be fully or almost fully evaporated by the time it reaches your door, so you don't have to handle the very cold dry ice which is dangerous if not handled correctly. Please use gloves to remove any remaining dry ice. Do NOT handle dry ice with bare hands. We include specific instructions to provide for safe handling and disposal of any dry ice that may remain in your insulated box upon arrival.
To dispose of any remaining dry ice: Dry ice needs to sublimate or evaporate in a well-ventilated area, choose an area that you do not spend a lot of time in, and away from children and pets. Never place dry ice directly on a tiled, laminated, or solid surface. Never dispose of dry ice in a toilet, sink, trash can, dumpster, chemical waste container, or down a building's garbage chute.
TruBeef Organic is a 100% Carbon Neutral Business and caring for the environment is the right to do. We constantly strive to reduce our carbon footprint and waste.
All our boxes and insulation are 100% recyclable. This is in line with our ethos as a sustainable meat retailer of the most ethical beef in the world.
