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      100% Organic, 100% Grass-fed Pasture-Raised Dorper Lamb | TruBeef Organic Grass-Fed Lamb

      Not all lamb tastes the same! TruBeef Organic Grass-Fed Dorper Breed Lamb is succulent, fine-textured, and has a mild flavor. Dorper Lamb does NOT produce wool. It's a breed raised for its meat, not for wool. Most Lamb breeds produce wool, which means Lanolin is present in the fat. Lanolin is what gives most lamb meat this strong, bold, intense, and “gamey” flavor. Dorper Lamb is specifically raised for its meat to produce the finest Premium Lamb. Dorper Breed Lamb meat is known by chefs and meat aficionados throughout the world for its high-quality tender meat, and beautifully delicate, mild buttery fat that pairs great with a traditional sauce or on its own. All our Dorper Lamb Cuts are proudly Certified and Verified as 100% Organic, Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished, Pasture-RaisedNon-GMO, Certified Halal.

      Most lamb meat here in the United States is overpriced and comes from older sheep which are called "Mutton". Mutton has a distinctively strong flavor that is bold, intense, and gamey. The USDA does not have a clear definition to differentiate between Lamb and Mutton and there is no age restriction when labeling the meat “Lamb”, with any sheep meat 24 months and under can be labelled as Lamb which is actually Mutton!

      Our slow-grown Dorper Breed Lamb is the cleanest and most natural as you can find anywhere. Regeneratively Raised Lamb on Wild Organic Pastures, from birth to harvest. Our Dorper Lamb is fed nothing but its mother's milk and wild organic grasses, and harvested at a much younger age (around 6 to 9 months) hence the juiciness, tenderness, and delicious delicate mild taste. Our Lamb is unaged to minimize histamine development — ideal for those with histamine intolerance, auto-immune diseases, or on Auto-Immune Protocol (AIP) Diet & Paleo Diet.

      We Guarantee: No Glyphosate, No Herbicide, No Toxic Pesticides, No Chemical Fertilizers, No Antibiotics, No Artificial Hormones, No Growth Hormones, No Additives, No Animal by-Products, No GMO, No Organic Grains, No Organic Feeds, No Feedlots, No Vaccines.

      "LAMB FOR ALL". We want to share with you just how special our Dorper Breed Lamb is. Dorper Breed Lamb is the most superior lamb breed raised for eating. TruBeef Organic delivers to your door, order online now and Taste the #TruBeef difference! 

      You will not find this Lamb breed at a grocery store or butcher. TruBeef Organic Grass-Fed Lamb is 20 to 50% cheaper than most conventionally raised and/or non-organic lamb.

